Deepti Foundation, Delhi focuses on safeguarding the children involved in rag picking in the area, Balaswa Dairy, Delhi-42. The initiative is named as Gyansarovar where education for children at different age group along with the developmental issues with respect to the condition they live in is given priority. People in the area being poverty stricken and illiterate are assisted both in formal and non-formal education system. Children are given non-formal basic education with respect to their age/calibre Through Child Resource Centres regular training for the parents help them to understand the changes their children are coping up. This improves the quality of their life. We also help them to enrol themselves in the nearby government/ private schools. We address the issues related to community in the area through organizing Children’s Parliament and Adolescent Groups, where they are empowered with best possible option to resolve the community issues.
Poverty is the reason why all these children go for rag picking. Normally these children depend on money they get by collecting rags throughout the day to buy food. We get these children to our centre and serve them free nutritious food which not only improves their health but also motivates them to study and gain knowledge.